people of faith working together to provide basic necessities, foster stable lives, and organize for a just and compassionate community

March MN FoodShare Underway
The March MN FoodShare is our state's biggest campaign to fight food insecurity.
Did you know your donation can go three times as far this March?
From March 1 through April 6 we want to raise $80,000 to purchase food, and collect 40,000 pounds
of food to meet the growing needs of people in Duluth.
Click the button below to learn more about how you can help!
About Us.
Chum is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization whose programs serve more than 8,000 low-income, homeless, hungry, isolated, or otherwise marginalized community members each year in Duluth, MN. Chum was founded in 1973 when 10 churches in Duluth’s Central Hillside neighborhood pooled their resources to meet the needs of the neighborhood’s many low-income residents more effectively.
We are striving to be a nonprofit in Duluth, MN, that can super-serve its clients and end poverty in this amazing, beautiful, and loving community. Hit the button below to learn more about who we are and where we started.
Want to Make a Difference?
As the largest safety net for those experiencing homelessness in Duluth, MN, we stay pretty busy. If you want to help us accomplish our mission, and stay connected with everything happening, sign up for our newsletter!
Duluth’s shortage of housing causes long-term and chronic homelessness. Waitlists stretch from months (in rare cases) to more than 2 years for subsidized housing. In addition, people experiencing long term homelessness and especially chronic homelessness are rarely able to transition smoothly from the streets or shelter into permanent, independent housing.
What is needed are low-cost units that are private, dignified, small scale to encourage community, culturally specific, harm reduction based and providing services including basic life skills like cleaning and cooking.
Learn more by visiting their website: