Expanding Horizons
If you would like to learn more about what Chum does in Duluth, MN, and how we, and other partnering organizations, serve our neighbors, Expanding Horizons is an awesome opportunity to do so. This is intended to be an immersive experience to learn more about what people experiencing homelessness day to day in Duluth face.

Expanding Horizons - a poverty immersion experience
Expanding Horizons is a 5 hour immersion experience that gives community members the opportunity to learn about poverty, hunger, and homelessness in Duluth by visiting organizations that work with people experiencing these realities every day.
Groups learn about the impacts of poverty, hunger, and homelessness on Duluthians and see first-hand some of the available resources. Group sizes range from 8 to 15 people; smaller groups can join with another group.
Schedule your Expanding Horizons Tour participants with this link: https://www.tfaforms.com/5048435
Please contact Bud Trnka (218-438-5381) for more information or to schedule your Expanding Horizons experience.
How to Prepare
During the event, we will gather in the parking lot at the Damiano Center (206 West 4th Street) by 7:40 AM. To ensure parking at Damiano for clients, staff and volunteers, please park on the street. You are welcome to park in the upper lots behind St. Francis Apts (on 2nd Avenue West below 3rd Street North). Allow yourself plenty of time to find the location and parking.
Bring only what you can carry for the day. Leave anything that you don’t need behind. There will be no place to leave belongings. Wear comfortable and weather-appropriate clothing as we will be doing a lot of walking outside.
The day will end at approximately 1:00 pm. Expanding Horizons happens rain or shine! (We cancel if the Duluth Transit Authority stops operations.)
There is a $50 cost per person but this price can vary depending on the ability to pay. The money is distributed among the partnering agencies to cover staff time.
Day of Schedule
7:45 AM
8:25 AM
​9:05 AM
9:25 AM
9:30 AM
9:55 AM
10:20 AM
10:45 AM
11:10 AM
11:30 AM
11:50 AM
Check-in and introductions @ Damiano Center Conference Room
Damiano Center
Human Development Center
Safe Bay
Steve O'Neil Apartments and Family Shelter
San Marco Apartments
Chum Shelter & Drop-In Center
Life House
Clayton Jackson McGhie Memorial at AICHO
Reflection - Option to visit AICHO gift shop or visit memorial site
What to Expect
You will be on a hurry-up-and-wait schedule. This is the reality for many people living on the margins (buses, waiting in lines for food housing, etc.). You may be tired and hungry - again reality for those who live on the margins.
Be aware, and challenge assumptions. We do what we can in our time together; it’s not a comprehensive tour (you can ask for a follow-up at another time). Think about these places we visit as resources for your families, friends at school, your neighbors, and yourselves. Sit with feelings of being uncomfortable- challenge yourself to ask “why am I uncomfortable?"
Schedule your Expanding Horizons Tour participants with this link: https://www.tfaforms.com/5048435
Please contact Bud Trnka (218-438-5381) for more information or to schedule your Expanding Horizons experience.