Distributive Services
Our Distributive Services provide support to individuals who are experiencing food insecurity. Our Food Shelf in Duluth, MN provides people with a basic necessity we all take for granted, access to food and sustenance.

Our Food Shelf
The Chum Food Shelf located at 120 N 1st Ave West is open Wednesdays and Fridays starting at 10:00 AM until 12:00 PM or until supplies run out. Individuals can come through our line and receive a food box full of healthy foods.
On Mondays, we distribute food at Our Saviors Lutheran Church, 4831 Grand Ave, from 10 a.m. until 12:00 p.m. or until supplies run out.
In Duluth, our community's need for the Chum food shelf has only been growing. We do everything we can to provide for these folks, but we need our community's help as well. It is when the village comes together to provide that we all get what we need!
If you would like to support our food shelf, donations can be brought to 120 N 1st Ave W Monday - Friday 8:00 AM - 2:00 PM. Come down the alley and ring the bell, we will be happy to take any and all donations!

Chum2GO is a food shelf program intended to increase food access and promote food security in Duluth. The program is specifically intended to reduce barriers for people who may otherwise have a difficult time visiting the food shelf locations in person. Chum2GO serves people with disabilities, large families, seniors, and people who do not have access to transportation. Deliveries are made on the first and third Thursdays of the month. The distribution goes from 10:00 am - 12:00 pm.
If this is a program you need to utilize yourself please fill out this form:
We are always needing drivers so that we can serve as many families as possible. If you have a valid driver's license, are able to lift/carry 50 lbs, and have a working vehicle we could use your help! Please contact our Food Distribution Coordinator, Tina Breimon by email or phone. tbreimon@chumduluth.org or 218-740-2490.